The Great Wall – Another Perspective

On March 30th, the Advanced Ensemble China tour members became heroes.  An emperor in the Ming dynasty once said you’re not a true hero until you have climbed the Great Wall of China, and that is exactly what we did.  Miraculously, I managed to reach the top of the Great Wall the 7th tower with Heesung and Sam in about 30 minutes. Another group which contained Arya, Gio, Adhav, and Sophia managed to reach the 6th tower and also captured the beautiful scenery and around the Great Wall. There were small, light pink flower petals that floated down onto the steps, and we could also see the Great Wall spanning across the horizon.

On struggle of climbing the great wall was that each and every single step was different heights so it really was a great challenge for all of us.  At one point, I was literally climbing the wall -on all fours – because I was just so tired but wanted to reach the top in time.  Fortunately, I did and I can say that the view from the top was breathtaking! We were so high up and it’s such a wonder of how much dedication and work went into building the Great Wall of China. This is a memorable experience that I’ll never forget.

By Ashley Kim

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