Final Preparations are Underway

Tomorrow the Buffalo Suzuki Strings (BSS) Friendship Touring Ensemble will begin its 12th International Concert Tour.  This year they are headed to Argentina!

Beginning in 1984, the BSS Friendship Touring Ensembles
have toured:
Western Europe – 1984)
Great Britain – 1986
The former Soviet Union and Hungary – 1989
Hawaii and Australia – 1991
Italy and Switzerland – 1993
the Southern and Mid-Atlantic United States – 1995
Chile and Peru – 1997
England and Ireland – 2000
Brazil – 2003
Italy – 2006
Spain – 2008

This year’s group consisting of 21 young musicians (violinists, violist, cellists, and
pianists) and four chaperones will tour and perform in both Cordoba and Buenos
Aires. The students and Advanced Ensemble faculty have been working very hard for the last two years to prepare an impressive repertoire of highly polished
music.  They are very excited to share their music and develop friendships with Suzuki
students in Argentina.  They are also very proud and honored to be representing Buffalo Suzuki Strings and sharing their passion and commitment to Dr. Suzuki’s philosophy.

Feel free to follow the BSS Friendship Touring Ensemble via this blog as they travel and perform in Argentina.

— Raechele Pope Namaste

2 thoughts on “Final Preparations are Underway

  • Bon Voyage Friendship Touring Ensemble! It was great being in the parking lot at BSS this morning, seeing the culmination of months of preparation getting readyto board the bus for yuour first leg of the trip for to Argentina. Congratulation Mary Cay, David, Linda and Raechel for all the preplanning and the hours of work each of you have done for our young adults. I am looking forward to seeing the pictures, video and finally the Reunion Concert on May 1. Have fun, play your hearts out and have a wonderful adventure. Phillip Tabone

  • Thank you so much for doing this Raechele, we feel like we are with you in a way with your blogs. Thank you also for going with the tour group, we know you took your time away from being off and relaxing at home to be with the group. A million thanks and try to get SOME rest!! Linda Goyette

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