May 1, 2022 admin Early Childhood Music Registration: Saturday 9AM Ages: 0-3 Saturdays: January 25, February 8, March 1,15, & 29, April 5** **Special Earlier Class for Ensemble’s Concert on April 5: 8:45-9:30am Gershwin Studio at Buffalo Suzuki Strings – 4 Webster Street, North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Each child must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the class. Masks are optional. Attendance Policy: If a family must miss a class, they may make the class up by attending any other Early Childhood Music Class offered by Buffalo Suzuki Strings during that session. If they cannot make any of those times there will be no makeups or refunds for their absence. Inclement Weather Policy: In the case of inclement weather where the building has to close, there will be no makeup class. Enrollment Policy: We reserve the right to cancel classes that do not meet the minimum enrollment requirement, in which case you will be notified, and tuition and fees will be refunded. Child’s Name (required) Child’s Birthdate (required) Parent Name(s) (required) Street Address (required) City, State, Zip (required) Phone Number(s) (required) Email Address (required) New to BSS? (required). A $10 one-time registration fee for new families. YesNo If you are new to the class, how did you hear about it? —Please choose an option—Referred by a friendVia BSS WebsiteVia Social MediaSaw the Poster in the window at BSS, a Flyer, or other Print MediaAt a BSS Open HouseAt a BPO Kids & Family Concert & BSS Instrument ZooOther If other, please specify: Tuition is session based. In the event that a family enrolls after the session has begun, your tuition will be prorated. Select Payment Method: Pay now with PayPal NOTE: If you select payment via invoice and are redirected to PayPal after your form is submitted, you can close your browser. Your registration will be recorded. You cannot submit this form. Because form submission limit over.